


モデル JIS C 5512:2015(2cm3カプラで測定) JIS C 5512:2000(イヤシュミレータで測定)
D-9 データシート
D-FA データシート
D-FA-P データシート
D-FS HPレシーバー データシート
D-FS Pレシーバー データシート
D-FS Mレシーバー データシート
D-FS Sレシーバー データシート
D-m-CB データシート
D-PA Mレシーバー データシート
D-PA Sレシーバー データシート
D-XP データシート
D-CIC(90)/D-CIC-M(90) データシート
D-CIC(80)/D-CIC-M(80) データシート




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 補聴器等 出荷スケジュール


耳かけ型補聴器 FAX注文用紙(2024.12~) >

総合支援法モデル FAX注文用紙(2024.12~) >

紛失補償 FAX注文用紙 (2025.03~)>


販売終了製品 販売期間
販売期間・修理受付一覧 >

修理受付終了製品一覧 >





サウンドセンス ラーン - 聴く意志とマシンラーニング(翻訳)>
(Hearing Review 2018年 6月)
Oliver Townend; Jens Brehm Nielsen, PhD; and Ditte Balslev, MA

コンプレッションスピードと認知 >
(Hearing Review 2017年 3月)

GOING BEYOND 進歩する技術の証明 >
(Hearing Review 2017年 1月)

WidexPress 48: Personalized Compression with WIDEX MOMENT™ >
WidexPress 48: Personalized Compression with WIDEX MOMENT™(日本語訳)>

WidexPress 47: Further Improvements to Fitting for Widex MOMENT >
WidexPress 47: Further Improvements to Fitting for Widex MOMENT(日本語訳)>

WidexPress 46: Asking the Experts – Hearing Care Professionals’ View of Widex >

WidexPress 45: Widex MOMENT ™ - TruAcoustics™ optimised >
WidexPress 45: Widex MOMENT ™ - TruAcoustics™ optimised(日本語訳)>

WidexPress 44: Widex MOMENT™ - Quantifying acoustic distortions >
WidexPress 44: Widex MOMENT™ - Quantifying acoustic distortions(日本語訳)>

WidexPress 43: Widex MOMENT™ - this sound changes everything >

WidexPress 42: Machine learning in WIDEX EVOKE: Perceptual benefits of SoundSense Learn >

WidexPress 41: Real-life benefits of WIDEX EVOKE: and early look at end-user survey results >

WidexPress 40: Real-life hearing part 2: Assesment and solutions >

WidexPress 39: Real-life hearing part 1: The theory behind >

WidexPress 38: The Widex fitting rationale for EVOKE >

WidexPress 37: A compilation of Widex ZEN therapy evidence >
WidexPress 37: A compilation of Widex ZEN therapy evidence(日本語訳)>

WidexPress 36: UNIQUE solutions for first time hearing aid wearers >

WidexPress 35: Dream evidence compilation >

WidexPress 34: DREAM CIC MICRO >

WidexPress 33: Widex CROS >
WidexPress 33: Widex CROS(日本語訳)>

WidexPress 32: An Introduction to Widex Zen Therapy >

WidexPress 31: Evidence for the effectiveness of the Audibility Extender in restoring the perception of high-frequency sound >

WidexPress 30: WidexLink >

WidexPress 29: Evidence for the Benefits of Binaural Amplification >

WidexPress 28: Evidence Supporting the use of Zen as a Tool for Tinnitus and Relaxation >
WidexPress 28: Evidence Supporting the use of Zen as a Tool for Tinnitus and Relaxation(日本語訳)>

WidexPress 27: Tinnitus and the Widex Zen program >

WidexPress 26: Why the size of a hearing aid matters when fitting infants and young children >

WidexPress 25: AISA: An accurate method for assessing the acoustic effect of the ear - mould >

WidexPress 24: Extending hearing aid bandwidth >

WidexPress 23: The Speech Enhancer in mind440 >

WidexPress 22: The ZEN program from Widex >

WidexPress 21: The Effect of Non-Linear Applification and Low Compression Threshold on Receptive and Expressive Speech Ability in Children with Severe and Profound Hearing Loss >

WidexPress 20: Preliminary field and laboratory trials with Senso Diva >

WidexPress 19: Batteries from Widex >

WidexPress 18: Design Considerations in Directional Microphones >

WidexPress 17: Evaluation of a digital power hearing aid: Senso P38 >

WidexPress 16: Sound Stabilizer and SIS >

WidexPress 15: Audiological background and design rationale of Senso Dica >

WidexPress 14: Using a DSP Instrument Fitting Protocol for Pediatric Cases >

WidexPress 13:Rationale for Binaural Hearing Aid Fittings >

WidexPress 12: Technical improvements to enhance the performance of completely-in-the-canal (CIC) hearing aids >

WidexPress 11: Fitting a Wide Range Compression Hearing Instrument Using Real Ear Threshold Data: A New Strategy >

WidexPress 10: Hearing Aids and Cellular Phone >

WidexPress 9: Senso C9. Performance of the Senso C9 >

WidexPress 8: Senso: Audiological background >


Audiological Bulletin 85, 'Improving communication with face masks' >

Audiological Bulletin 84, 'Fine-tuning tips & tricks for SUPER' >

Audiological Bulletin 83, 'Choice of earware for WIDEX SUPER' >

Audiological Bulletin 82, 'Acoustic performance of ear-tip solutions for M- and P-receivers' >

Audiological Bulletin 81, 'The phone programs available with CLEAR440' >

Audiological Bulletin 79, 'Fitting mind220 Dual ISP hearing aids with the IP5 programmer' >

Audiological Bulletin 78, 'Performing in-situ RECD with the mind series m-models' >

Audiological Bulletin 77, 'Fitting Passion440' >

Audiological Bulletin 76, 'Fitting mind330' >

Audiological Bulletin 75, 'Using the Documentation window and test modes 2 and 3 in Compass V4.6' >

Audiological Bulletin 74, ' Changing the feature settings in REAL fittings using Compass V4.6' >

Audiological Bulletin 73, 'Using the fine tuning graphics and sound features to investigate the potential in REAL signal processing' >

Audiological Bulletin 72, 'Using the Compression view, MPO manager and Recalculate function in REAL fitting with Compass' >

Audiological Bulletin 71, 'Using the fine tuning tools to fine tune gain in REAL fittings'>

Audiological Bulletin 70, 'Using the Program manager in REAL fittings' >

Audiological Bulletin 69, 'Using the DAI manager in Compass V4.6 to change the DAI programs' >

Audiological Bulletin 68, 'How to fine tune non-master programs in REAL fittings' >

Audiological Bulletin 67, 'Closing the fitting session for REAL' >

Audiological Bulletin 66, 'Using the Sound Diary in Compass V4.5' >

Audiological Bulletin 65, 'Using the Program manager in mind440 fittings' >

Audiological Bulletin 64, 'How to fine tune non-master programs in mind440 fittings' >

Audiological Bulletin 63, 'Using the fine tuning tools to fine tune gain in mind440 fittings' >

Audiological Bulletin 62, 'Changing the feature settings in mind440 fittings using Compass V4.5' >

Audiological Bulletin 61, 'Using the DAI manager in Compass to change the DAI programs' >

Audiological Bulletin 60, 'Closing the fitting session for mind440' >

Audiological Bulletin 59, 'How to measure the In-situ RECD with mind440 (m4-9) and Compass V4.5' >

Audiological Bulletin 58, 'Using the Solution guide' >

Audiological Bulletin 57, 'Using the Documentation vindow and test modes 2 and 3 in Compass V45' >

Audiological Bulletin 56, 'Using the Zen program in Compass' >

Audiological Bulletin 55, 'Using the Compression view, MPO manager and Recalculate function in mind440 fittings with Compass' >

Audiological Bulletin 54, 'Using the fine tuning graphics and sound features to investigate the potential in mind440 signal processing' >

Audiological Bulletin 53, 'How to use QuickFit in Compass V4.5' >

Audiological Bulletin 52, 'How to use the Fitting wizard with mind440' >

Audiological Bulletin 51, 'Guidelines for matching the RC4 remote control' >

Audiological Bulletin 50, 'Customising receiver ear-sets for Passion hearing aids and removing the battery drawer to connect programming cables' >

Audiological Bulletin 49, 'The fitting range of Passion wire flex and the instant receiver ear-tip flex' >

Audiological Bulletin 48, 'Smopther and wider frequency response with a Reciver-in-Canal (RIC) hearing aid' >

Audiological Bulletin 46, 'Fitting Passion 115 with Compass V4' >

Audiological Bulletin 45, 'Fitting Passion hearing aids with the IP5 programmer' >

Audiological Bulletin 44, 'Customising ear sets for 9-models' >

Audiological Bulletin 43, 'How to insert right/left colour coding in m models' >

Audiological Bulletin 42, 'Using the MPO manager, the Solution guide and the recalculate function in Flash fittings with Compass' >

Audiological Bulletin 41, 'Using the Program manager in Flash fittings' >

Audiological Bulletin 40, 'How to fine tune non-master programs in Flash fittings' >

Audiological Bulletin 39, 'Changing the feature settings in Flash fittings using Compass V4' >

Audiological Bulletin 38, 'Using the fine tuning tools in Sound Explorer to fine tune gain in Flash fittings' >

Audiological Bulletin 37, 'Using the Sound Explorer graphics to investigate the potential in Flash signal processing' >

Audiological Bulletin 36, 'Making the right choices in the Fitting wizard when fitting Flash with Compass V4' >

Audiological Bulletin 35, 'Ensuring the correct in-situ gain' >

Audiological Bulletin 34, 'Customising ear-sets for m-models' >

Audiological Bulletin 33, 'Quick Guide - Programming the RC3 remote control' >

Audiological Bulletin 32, 'Estimating real-ear acoustics' >

Audiological Bulletin 31, 'The vent effect - an introduction' >

Audiological Bulletin 30, 'Mixing sound sources in the ear canal' >

Audiological Bulletin 29, 'Sound sources contributing to the sound pressure in the ear canal' >

Audiological Bulletin 28, 'Preconditions - How to deal with the acoustics identify for m-models using the IP5 programmer' >

Audiological Bulletin 27, 'Fitting M-models with Compass V.4' >

Audiological Bulletin 26, 'Using documention in the Sound Explorer' >

Audiological Bulletin 25, 'Using the Program Manager in AIKIA fitting' >

Audiological Bulletin 24, 'Using the M10 manager, the sound Solution guide and the recalculate function in AIKIA fittings with Compass' >

Audiological Bulletin 23, 'How to fine tune non-master programs in Aikia Fittings' >

Audiological Bulletin 22, 'Changeing the feature settings in AIKIA fittings using Compass V4.2' >

Audiological Bulletin 21, 'Using the fine tuning tools in Sound Explorer to finetune gain in AIKIA fittings' >

Audiological Bulletin 20, 'Using the Sound Explorer graphics to invertisate the potential in AIKIA signal processing' >

Audiological Bulletin 19, 'Making the right choices in the fitting Wizard when fittin Aikia with Compass' >

Audiological Bulletin 18, 'Update: Fitting ISP hearing aids with the IP5 programmer' >

Audiological Bulletin 17, 'Using Documentation in the Sound Explorer' >

Audiological Bulletin 16, 'The alternative settings of the Widex Classic Noise Reduction' >

Audiological Bulletin 15, 'Using the Compression view, the MPO manager and the Recalculate function in Inteo fittings with Compass' >

Audiological Bulletin 14, 'Using the DAI manager in Compass to change the DAI programs' >

Audiological Bulletin 13, 'Using the Program manager in Inteo fittings' >

Audiological Bulletin 12, 'How to fine tune non-master programs in Inteo fittings' >

Audiological Bulletin 11, 'Changing the feature settings in Inteo fittings using Compass V4' >

Audiological Bulletin 10, 'Using the fine tuning tools in Sound Explorer to fine tune gain in Inteo fittings' >

Audiological Bulletin 9, 'Using the Sound Explorer graphics to investigate the potential in Inteo signal processing' >

Audiological Bulletin 8, 'Making the right choices in the Fittin wizard when fitting Inteo with Compass V4' >

Audiological Bulletin 4, 'Widex Outcome Measures' >

Audiological Bulletin 3, 'Positioning of the Senso Diva SD-X in the ear' >

Audiological Bulletin 2, 'Diva Self-test' >

Audiological Bulletin 1, 'General information about Bravo' >


