L'atténuateur TruSound est un algorithme servant à détecter et à traiter les sons impulsionnels.

Exemple d’un bruit transitoire. Il est caractérisé par sa hausse soudaine et rapide, et sa courte durée (< 1 sec).

The compressors will always attempt to apply the optimal gain in every situation based on the design criteria of audibility, intelligibility, preservation of contrast and comfort.

Because there is evidence to suggest that hearing aid users prefer the sound quality generated by a slow acting compression system, the default compression mode in a Widex hearing aid is slow-acting. But there will be situations where slow-acting compressors will not suffice. This is where the TruSound stabilisers help.

The TruSound stabilisers help preserve the high sound quality expected from the TruSound compression system in demanding situations also.

The TruSound stabilisers are designed to handle special situations with quick changes in the environment and to prevent smearing of the temporal and spectral contrast in the signals.

The compressors will always attempt to apply the optimal gain in every situation based on the design criteria of audibility, intelligibility, preservation of contrast and comfort.

Because there is evidence to suggest that hearing aid users prefer the sound quality generated by a slow acting compression system, the default compression mode in a Widex hearing aid is slow-acting. But there will be situations where slow-acting compressors will not suffice. This is where the TruSound stabilisers help.

The TruSound stabilisers help preserve the high sound quality expected from the TruSound compression system in demanding situations also.


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