Can SoundSense Learn give your clients a better hearing experience?
We’ve tested SoundSense Learn to gain an insight into the user’s experience of this new technology, which was recently launched with the WIDEX EVOKE™ platform.
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Occasionally, hearing aid users are challenged by hearing aids that do not help them hear what they want to hear in that exact moment. SoundSense Learn is a technology that helps hearing aid users control how they hear, in the moment, simply by listening to sound profiles suggested by the app on their smartphones.
That way, SoundSense Learn leverages machine learning to guide hearing aid users to a more personalized hearing experience.
Testing SoundSense Learn
One of the main goals of SoundSense Learn is to help hearing aid users hear how they want to hear – giving them more control in the moment via a simple and intuitive interface. Widex has tested whether a hearing aid with SoundSense Learn can improve the user experience compared with the same hearing aid with automatic sound environment detection switched off and on.
Exposed to different sound scenarios and given a listening intention in that scenario, the test participants used SoundSense Learn to change the sound of the hearing aid to their own preferences and create new hearing aid programs based on these settings. They later rated the programs they had created against the hearing aid with automatic sound environment detection switched off and on. The outcome? In favour of SoundSense Learn.
The preferred choice for quality and comfort
Across sound samples, the test participants were consistently happier with the listening comfort that SoundSense Learn achieved. That’s when compared to hearing aids with automatic sound detection, or none at all. In fact, 84% of the participants preferred the settings they could achieve with SoundSense Learn.
When it came to sound quality, the results were also significantly better across sound samples: an improved experience with the parameter settings that SoundSense Learn achieved. This was preferred by 89% of test participants over a hearing aid with automatic sound detection.
Made for real life
SoundSense Learn analyses user inputs and quickly optimises hearing aid settings in real-life situations. Because users can more easily adapt the sound environment to how they want to hear, they don’t have to struggle to remember and describe the challenges they face in a troublesome listening situation – which is not an easy task. And hearing care professionals don’t have to analyse or interpret the situation they are describing to get the best fit. SoundSense Learn lets hearing aid users gain full control of what they want to hear, right now, in real life.